

DAO platform for regenerative projects









Hypha is a technological platform that drives and facilitates business collaboration. It offers a transparent and trustworthy space where individuals and organizations can effectively collaborate to achieve common goals. With a growing network of over 900 members and 200 DAOs, Hypha is transforming the way business collaboration is conducted, promoting innovation and positive impact in the world.

Origin and Purpose:

Hypha emerges to address the need for improving business collaboration and coordination more effectively and sustainably. It seeks to manage resources efficiently and transparently and promote responsible business practices.

Solutions Offered:

Hypha addresses this problem by providing a technological platform that facilitates collaboration between individuals and organizations. It promotes transparency, trust, and accountability at all stages of projects. It offers innovative tools and a collaborative workspace, overcoming traditional barriers that hinder effective collaboration.


DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is a digital entity that operates autonomously and decentralized, using smart contracts and blockchain technology to make decisions and take actions according to preset rules and the will of its members fairly and transparently. In Hypha, DAOs are spaces where individuals and organizations can collaborate on projects and activities transparently and decentralized.


Through its focus on DAOs, Hypha offers a decentralized space where decisions are made fairly and transparently, allowing organizations to work together more efficiently and achieve their common goals sustainably. In summary, Hypha is transforming the way business collaboration is conducted, promoting innovation and positive impact in the business world.

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